Northern Luzon

Regional Forecast Issued At: 05:00 AM, 26 March, 2025
Partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rainshowers or thunderstorms 24° 33°
Wind Speed: Light to Moderate
Direction: East to Southeast
Coastal Condition: Slight to Moderate
Partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rainshowers or thunderstorms 24° 30°
Wind Speed: Light to Moderate
Direction: East to Southeast
Coastal Condition: Slight to Moderate
Extended Weather Outlook Issued at: 09:00 AM, 25 March, 2025
22° 33°
Wind Speed Light to Moderate
Direction East to Southeast
Coastal Condition Slight to Moderate
22° 33°
Wind Speed Light to Moderate
Direction East to Northeast
Coastal Condition Slight to Moderate
23° 34°
Wind Speed Light to Moderate
Direction East to Northeast
Coastal Condition Slight to Moderate
23° 34°
Wind Speed Light to Moderate
Direction East to Northeast
Coastal Condition Slight to Moderate
23° 34°
Wind Speed Light to Moderate
Direction East to Northeast
Coastal Condition Slight to Moderate
As of today, there is no Heavy Rainfall Warning Issued.
Thunderstorm Advisory No. 3 FINAL #NLPRSD
Issued at 04:10 AM 26 March 2025

All Thunderstorm Advisories over forecast areas are now terminated. However, all are still advised to continue monitoring for updates.

Moderate to occasionally Heavy rainshowers with lightning and strong winds are expected over #Abra(Malibcong, Daguioman, Boliney, Tubo), #IlocosSur(Cervantes, Alilem and Sugpon) within the next 30 mins to 1 hour.

The above conditions are being experienced in #Kalinga(Balbalan, Lubuagan, Pasil, Tinglayan), #Benguet(Bakun, Buguias and Mankayan) which may persist within 1 to 2 hours and may affect nearby areas.

All are advised to take precautionary measures against the impacts associated with these hazards. Residents along mountain slope are advised for possible landslides mudslides, rockslides and flash flood.

Keep monitoring for updates.
Thunderstorm Information #NLPRSD
Issued at 10:00 PM 25 March 2025

Thunderstorm is LESS LIKELY to develop over #IlocosNorte within 12 hours.
As of today, there is no Special Forecast Issued.
Active Warnings
No Active Warnings